Source code for tornado_websockets.modules.progressbar

# coding=utf-8
from tornado_websockets.modules.module import Module

[docs]class ProgressBar(Module): """ Initialize a new ProgressBar module instance. If ``min`` and ``max`` values are equal, this progress bar has its indeterminate state set to ``True``. :param min: Minimum value :param max: Maximum value :type min: int :type max: int """ def __init__(self, name='', min=0, max=100, indeterminate=False): if name: name = '_' + name super(ProgressBar, self).__init__('progressbar' + name) if max < min: raise ValueError('Param « min » can not be greater or equal than param « max ».') self.min = self.current = min self.max = max self.indeterminate = indeterminate def initialize(self): @self._websocket.on def open(): self.emit_init()
[docs] def tick(self, label=None): """ Increments progress bar's _current by ``1`` and emit ``update`` event. Can also emit ``done`` event if progression is done. Call :meth:`~tornado_websockets.modules.progress_bar.ProgressBar.emit_update` method each time this method is called. Call :meth:`~tornado_websockets.modules.progress_bar.ProgressBar.emit_done` method if progression is done. :param label: A label which can be displayed on the client screen :type label: str """ if not self.indeterminate and self.current < self.max: self.current += 1 self.emit_update(label) if self.is_done(): self.emit_done()
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset progress bar's progression to its minimum value. """ self.current = self.min
[docs] def is_done(self): """ Return ``True`` if progress bar's progression is done, otherwise ``False``. Returns ``False`` if progress bar is indeterminate, returns ``True`` if progress bar is determinate and current value is equals to ``max`` value. Returns ``False`` by default. :rtype: bool """ if self.indeterminate: return False if self.current is self.max: return True return False
[docs] def emit_init(self): """ Emit ``before_init``, ``init`` and ``after_init`` events to initialize a client-side progress bar. If progress bar is not indeterminate, ``min``, ``max`` and ``value`` values are sent with ``init`` event. """ data = {'indeterminate': self.indeterminate} if not self.indeterminate: data.update({ 'min': int(self.min), 'max': int(self.max), 'current': int(self.current), }) self.emit('before_init') self.emit('init', data) self.emit('after_init')
[docs] def emit_update(self, label=None): """ Emit ``before_update``, ``update`` and ``after_update`` events to update a client-side progress bar. :param label: A label which can be displayed on the client screen :type label: str """ data = {} if not self.indeterminate: data.update({'current': self.current}) if label: data.update({'label': label}) self.emit('before_update') self.emit('update', data) self.emit('after_update')
[docs] def emit_done(self): """ Emit ``done`` event when progress bar's progression :meth:`~tornado_websockets.modules.progress_bar.ProgressBar.is_done`. """ self.emit('done')